Ok, the first of many moves happened at the weekend. My wonderful Girlfriend is now in the new place and spent the first evening arranging things, unpacking, storing, swearing. It’s a pretty small place so we’re having to be mercenary regarding the ‘stuff’ we’ve both accrued. A few ideas have been scrapped since getting in there. The palletwood coffee table idea is one of the things that got cut, along with a gorgeous set of oak Edwardian drawers and her solid oak wardrobe. We simply don’t have the room, that’s just the reality of the situation. The drawers will be making an appearance on eBay soon…

So, about “living small”…my attention has been turned to storage solutions. Now we don’t want to be thinking about these pedestrian solutions, do we? No, no! We are still looking at the nice things out there, after all! Where better to look for ides than the industrial period? I mean, those folks had tons of stuff to store in difficult places, right? …Obviously they didn’t have the strict Health and Safety regulations that we are bound to in this day and age (not that I’m knocking the regulations of our modern world, no! They are in place to keep us safe and sound and business insurance premiums low!), so they just went crazy with the design! Shit, who wouldn’t!?!

Here’s what I found:

Industrial Rack
Reclaimed Sideboard
Tank Console Table
Reclaimed Pine Coffee Table 

I already said there’s no room for a coffee tables and the like, but I just couldn’t help putting those last two buggers in there… One day we’ll have room for all the nice things!